ETHGlobal Bangkok
Phala Hackathon Guide at ETHGlobal Bangkok
Welcome to the Phala Hackathon Guide! This guide will provide you with all the necessary information to get started building on our platform. Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to the ecosystem, this guide will help you navigate through the essential steps and resources to build on our TEE Docker SDK.
Check out the an TEE Docker SDK we deployed called the TEE Docker SDK Cheat Sheet!
For a detailed guide on getting started, check out the Start From Scratch or Build From Template guides.
Welcome to the Hackathon guide for Phala's TEE Docker SDK. If you are a Docker expert then this new developer-friendly SDK is your oyster. You now have the ability to deploy your docker containers within a TEE and utilize the JS & Python SDKs to have TEE functions to do:
Remote Attestations
Derive Key Account
Getting Started
First, run the TEE Attestation Simulator:
Next, download the dependencies with yarn
Build the docker image
After the build is successful, run your docker image to connect to the TEE Attestation Simulator
NOTE: Your docker image hash will be different than the one listed below.
Now you can go to your browser and see a frontend UI like below:
Ideas to Build
With the ability to deploy docker in TEE, you are now free to use Phala as your base to exploring the many different prizes available at ETH Global.
Web2 in, Web3 out
Build a product that takes a Web2 technology and make it Web3 with the use of TEE functions Remote Attestation & Derive Key Account
Encumber Web2 Accounts for delegated access
Bind Web2 business logic onchain
What Do You Meme-coin??
Build an innovative product that solves a key memecoin funnel issue and convert users to your memecoins easier
Launch a unique memecoin that aims to solve something for a good cause
Create the end all, be all of memecoins that will last decades down the road
Use AI to enhance the Web3 Experience
Run the many LLMs written in python and available on huggingface
Build a competitor to the infamous AI memecoins with an objective to provide misinformation to the competition, and surpass the current leaders in AI memecoins
Train your own small LLM and push attestations onchain for proof of training, etc.
Launch Verifiable Products
Use Remote Attestation and Derive Key Account signatures to harden the connection between a user and onchain smart contracts
Add AI to be able to detect if a frontend is malicious or not
Build a product for data provenance based on attested data pipelines
Put ZK in TEE
zkTLS in TEE
ZK Prover/Verifier in TEE
Last updated
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