The phala simulator command is used to launch a local TEE Simulator for testing locally against your local development to simulate how your application will be able to call the TEE functions like remote attestation or key generation with the KMS.
Usage: phala simulator [options] [command]
TEE simulator commands
-h, --help display help for command
start [options] Start the TEE simulator
stop [options] Stop the TEE simulator
help [command] display help for command
Display help
phala simulator --help
Start the TEE Simulator
# default uses docker
phala simulator start --port 8090
# run on the native host machine
phala simulator start --type native
Example Output
simulator running docker
ℹ Running TEE simulator with image phalanetwork/tappd-simulator:latest
ℹ Pulling latest simulator image...
ℹ Starting simulator in background...
✓ TEE simulator running successfully. Container ID: d8b4f2fe9392b99b4fd44837f26a09508523200025eb3b125e06f27b4cd736b3
Useful commands:
ℹ - View logs: docker logs -f d8b4f2fe9392b99b4fd44837f26a09508523200025eb3b125e06f27b4cd736b3
ℹ - Stop simulator: docker stop d8b4f2fe9392b99b4fd44837f26a09508523200025eb3b125e06f27b4cd736b3
✓ Setting DSTACK_SIMULATOR_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8090 for current process
simulator running natively on host machine
ℹ Simulator logs will be written to: /Users/hashwarlock/.phala-cloud/logs/tappd-simulator.log
ℹ Starting simulator with: ./tappd-simulator -l unix:/tmp/tappd.sock
✓ Simulator is running in the background
✓ TEE simulator started successfully
✓ Setting DSTACK_SIMULATOR_ENDPOINT=unix:///tmp/tappd.sock for current process