Command: cvms
phala cvms [options] [command]
The phala cvms
command is used to manage the CVMs deployed to a user's account in Phala Cloud. These include fetching information about the deployments, deploying new CVMs, and managing the CVMs from the command line.
Usage: phala cvms [options] [command]
Manage Phala Confidential Virtual Machines (CVMs)
-h, --help display help for command
attestation [options] [app-id] Get attestation information for a CVM
create [options] Create a new CVM
delete [options] [app-id] Delete a CVM
get [options] [app-id] Get details of a CVM
list|ls [options] List all CVMs
start [app-id] Start a stopped CVM
stop [app-id] Stop a running CVM
resize [options] [app-id] Resize resources for a CVM
restart [app-id] Restart a CVM
upgrade [options] [app-id] Upgrade a CVM to a new version
help [command] display help for command
Display help
phala cvms --help
Create a new CVM
# without env file
phala cvms create
# with env file
phala cvms create -e <path-to-env-file>
Example Output
✔ Enter a name for the CVM: suh
✔ Enter the path to your Docker Compose file: examples/timelock-nts/docker-compose.yml
✓ Deleted DSTACK_SIMULATOR_ENDPOINT from current process
✔ Do you want to skip environment variable prompt? Yes
ℹ Skipping environment variable prompt
✔ Enter number of vCPUs (default: 2): 2
✔ Enter memory in MB (default: 4096): 4096
✔ Enter disk size in GB (default: 40): 40
⟳ Getting public key from CVM... ✓
⟳ Encrypting environment variables... ✓
⟳ Creating CVM... ✓
✓ CVM created successfully
ℹ CVM ID: 2936
ℹ Name: suh
ℹ Status: creating
ℹ App ID: 00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
ℹ App URL:
ℹ Your CVM is being created. You can check its status with:
ℹ phala cvms get app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Get a CVM's Information
phala cvms get app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: suh (00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb) - Status: running
⟳ Fetching CVM with App ID app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb... ✓
│ Name │ suh │
│ App ID │ app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb │
│ Status │ running │
│ VCPU │ 1 │
│ Memory │ 1024 MB │
│ Disk Size │ 10 GB │
│ Dstack Image │ dstack-0.3.5 │
│ App URL │ │
List all CVMs
phala cvms ls
Example Output
⟳ Fetching CVMs... ✓
│ Name │ suh │
│ App ID │ app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb │
│ Status │ running │
│ Node Info URL │ │
│ App URL │ │
✓ Found 1 CVMs
ℹ Go to to view your CVMs
Fetch. an Attestation of a CVM
phala cvms attestation app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
✓ CVM with App ID app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd detected
⟳ Fetching attestation information for CVM app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd...... ✓
✓ Attestation Summary:
│ Status │ Online │
│ Public Access │ Enabled │
│ Error │ None │
│ Certificates │ 2 found │
✓ Certificate #1 (End Entity):
│ Subject │ 5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd.phala │
│ Issuer │ Phala KMS CA (Phala Network) │
│ Serial Number │ 1d651ceb77d826a547444fa140fd5ef2aa57a76e │
│ Validity │ 12/31/1974, 6:00:00 PM to 3/14/2026, 2:03:35 PM │
│ Fingerprint │ 0a69a723d5bd53a429626009ed99ed2e369062591ccba4ed62a4df5ff95122f8 │
│ Signature Algorithm │ ecdsa-with-SHA256 │
│ Is CA │ Yes │
│ Position in Chain │ 0 │
✓ Certificate #2 (CA):
│ Subject │ Phala KMS CA (Phala Network) │
│ Issuer │ Phala KMS CA (Phala Network) │
│ Serial Number │ 43a1a79f8766c24aa2274de642b481f9ada4438 │
│ Validity │ 12/31/1974, 6:00:00 PM to 12/31/4095, 6:00:00 PM │
│ Fingerprint │ 68246c57488458f40e589c09ee348c0b823c3cb36599fff93d18a9a9699d1179 │
│ Signature Algorithm │ ecdsa-with-SHA256 │
│ Is CA │ Yes │
│ Position in Chain │ 1 │
✓ Trusted Computing Base (TCB) Information:
│ Mrtd │ c68518a0ebb42136c12b2275164f8c72f25fa9a34392228687ed6e9caeb9c0f1dbd895e9cf475121c029dc47e70e91fd │
│ Rootfs Hash │ 7458d2859b90c071be1f8af3adf4285b764d0c9d08a442be98ff96bb6b160a019db5fbd74edde26095bb659db7a27ab2 │
│ Rtmr0 │ 79207fa707c5bbf697d579bbd44c2ba14f8565d528aff0de407c58fd34815b67a35cfbb0a0d996b1c7b911a2c8ae806c │
│ Rtmr1 │ 4a7db64a609c77e85f603c23e9a9fd03bfd9e6b52ce527f774a598e66d58386026cea79b2aea13b81a0b70cfacdec0ca │
│ Rtmr2 │ 8a4fe048fea22663152ef128853caa5c033cbe66baf32ba1ff7f6b1afc1624c279f50a4cbc522a735ca6f69551e61ef2 │
│ Rtmr3 │ 7b59d1740c489a43ed83b6cc7480edf987a3188b5b19166b2a971018e13304b80406bad2a9ec804d091a764a0ba3d3af │
│ Event Log Entries │ 25 entries │
✓ Event Log (Showing entries to reproduce RTMR3):
│ Event │ IMR │ Type │ Payload │
│ rootfs-hash │ 3 │ 134217729 │ 2ec914e7be46b48eb4184959cafc524b9c08583a22cacccaa3c66a3938ca03c1 │
│ app-id │ 3 │ 134217729 │ 5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd │
│ compose-hash │ 3 │ 134217729 │ 5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd9dbcd97a20cf85a58b1bdf82 │
│ ca-cert-hash │ 3 │ 134217729 │ d2d9c7c29e3f18e69cba87438cef21eea084c2110858230cd39c5decc629a958 │
│ instance-id │ 3 │ 134217729 │ 19b555ea772e0d56ebaf75091193ecf4ba603f04 │
Total: 5 rows
ℹ To see all full attestation data, use --json
✓ To reproduce RTMR3, use the tool at
Start a CVM
phala cvms start app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: suh (00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb) - Status: stopped
⟳ Starting CVM with App ID app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb... ✓
│ CVM ID │ 2936 │
│ Name │ suh │
│ Status │ starting │
│ App ID │ app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb │
✓ Your CVM is being started. You can check the dashboard for more details:
Stop a CVM
phala cvms stop app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: suh (00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb) - Status: running
⟳ Stopping CVM with App ID app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb... ✓
│ CVM ID │ 2936 │
│ Name │ suh │
│ Status │ stopped │
│ App ID │ app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb │
✓ Your CVM is being stopped. You can check the dashboard for more details:
Delete a CVM
phala cvms delete app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: hell (5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd) - Status: running
✔ Are you sure you want to delete CVM with App ID app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd? This action cannot be undone. Yes
⟳ Deleting CVM app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd... ✓
✓ CVM app_5592440286f5947743f58975a8335459d6fee5cd deleted successfully
Resize a CVM
phala cvms resize app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: suh (00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb) - Status: running
✔ Enter number of vCPUs: 1
✔ Enter memory in MB: 1024
✔ Enter disk size in GB: 10
✔ Allow restart of the CVM if needed for resizing? Yes
│ VCPUs │ 2 -> 1 │
│ Memory │ 4096 MB -> 1024 MB │
│ Disk Size │ 40 GB -> 10 GB │
│ Allow Restart │ Yes │
✔ Are you sure you want to resize CVM app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb with the following changes:
✓ Your CVM is being resized. You can check the dashboard for more details:
Restart a CVM
phala cvms restart app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb
Example Output
⟳ Fetching available CVMs... ✓
✔ Select a CVM: suh (00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb) - Status: stopped
⟳ Fetching current configuration for CVM app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb... ✓
✔ Enter the path to your Docker Compose file: examples/timelock-nts/docker-compose.yml
✓ Deleted DSTACK_SIMULATOR_ENDPOINT from current process
⟳ Upgrading CVM app_00c6b8e73822fc86f64f2335d6812081d5ba2beb... ✓
ℹ Details: Accepted
✓ Your CVM is being upgraded. You can check the dashboard for more details:
Last updated
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