A command-line tool for managing TEE deployments on Phala Network, from local development to cloud deployment.
Docker installed and running
Docker Hub account for publishing images
Clone the CLI repo
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Phala-Network/tee-cloud-cli.git
# Install dependencies
bun install
# Build
bun run build
Quick Start
Log into your Phala Cloud account with your API key:
teecloud set-apikey your-phala-cloud-api-key
Deploy Dstack Examples with a Single Command:
timelock-nts example
# Deploy the timelock-nts example
teecloud deploy -c ./examples/timelock-nts/docker-compose.yml -n timelock-nts
Example Output:
Deploying CVM ...
Deployment successful
App Id: cc3ee84d7e708aed326d5df6d22296f65b4fd99e
App URL: https://cloud.phala.network/dashboard/cvms/app_cc3ee84d7e708aed326d5df6d22296f65b4fd99e
lightclient example
# Deploy the lightclient example
teecloud deploy -c ./examples/lightclient/docker-compose.yml -n lightclient
Example Output:
Deploying CVM ...
Deployment successful
App Id: c4b66ce50498b3da25555030f714e6ece55d8a35
App URL: https://cloud.phala.network/dashboard/cvms/app_c4b66ce50498b3da25555030f714e6ece55d8a35
Local Development Workflow
1. Start the TEE Simulator
Test your application in a local TEE environment:
The simulator will be available at http://localhost:8090.
2. Build Your Docker Image
teecloud build \
-i, --image <name> \ # Required: Docker image name
-u, --username <name> \ # Required: Docker Hub username
-f, --dockerfile <path> \ # Required: Path to Dockerfile
-t, --tag <tag> # Required: Tag for the Docker image
3. Test Locally
Generate a compose file:
teecloud build-compose \
-i, --image <name> \ # Required: Docker image name
-u, --username <name> \ # Required: Docker Hub username
-t, --tag <tag> \ # Required: Tag for the Docker image
-e, --env-file <path> \ # Required: Path to environment file
-v, --version <version> # Optional: Version of compose template (default: 'basic')
Run locally:
teecloud run-local \
-c, --compose <path> \ # Required: Path to docker-compose file
-e, --env-file <path> # Required: Path to environment file
The CLI stores generated compose files in:
└── compose-files/ # Generated docker-compose files
└── tee-compose.yaml
Cloud Deployment
1. Configure API Key
teecloud set-apikey your-phala-cloud-api-key
2. Publish Your Image
teecloud publish \
-i, --image <name> \ # Required: Docker image name
-u, --username <name> \ # Required: Docker Hub username
-t, --tag <tag> # Required: Tag of the Docker image
3. Deploy to Cloud
teecloud deploy \
-t, --type <type> \ # Optional: TEE vendor type (default: "phala")
-m, --mode <mode> \ # Optional: Deployment mode (default: "docker-compose")
-n, --name <name> \ # Required: Name of docker image
-c, --compose <path> \ # Required: Docker compose file path
-e, --env <KEY=VALUE...> \ # Optional: Environment variables
--env-file <path> \ # Optional: Environment file path
--debug # Optional: Enable debug mode
List available tags:
teecloud list-tags \
-i, --image <name> \ # Required: Docker image name
-u, --username <name> # Required: Docker Hub username
List TEE pods:
teecloud teepods \
[--status <active|inactive>] \ # Optional: filter by status
[--region <region-name>] # Optional: filter by region
View deployed images:
teecloud images \
--teepod-id <id> # Required: ID of the teepod
Upgrade deployment:
teecloud upgrade \
-t, --type <type> \ # Optional: TEE vendor type (default: "phala")
-m, --mode <mode> \ # Optional: Deployment mode (default: "docker-compose")
--app-id <id> \ # Required: Application ID
-c, --compose <path> \ # Required: Docker compose file path
-e, --env <KEY=VALUE...> \ # Optional: Environment variables
--env-file <path> # Optional: Environment file path
Managing Deployments
List your TEE pods:
List running CVMs:
View deployed images:
Upgrade an existing deployment:
teecloud upgrade \
--tag v1.0.1 \
--username your-dockerhub-username
Docker Compose Templates
The CLI provides several templates for different use cases:
: Simple template for general applications
teecloud run-local --template basic
: Modern template with Bun runtime
teecloud run-local --template eliza-v2
: Legacy template with character file support
teecloud run-local --template eliza-v1
Common issues and solutions:
Docker Build Fails
Verify Docker daemon is running
Ensure proper permissions
Simulator Issues
Check if port 8090 is available
Verify Docker permissions
Cloud Deployment Fails
Confirm image exists on Docker Hub
Check environment variables
For detailed help:
teecloud --help
teecloud <command> --help