Create a Weather Agent w/ Function Calling

View the example code here. The code is based on the guide on how to build an agent from the OpenAI Cookbook.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an agent with 2 functions to enable function calling for your agent. The 2 functions we will implement are:

  • getLocation() - Get the current location (latitude, longitude) based on the IP of the worker node if no location is described in the user prompt.

  • getWeatherData(latitude, longitude) - Get the current weather data based on the latitude and longitude retrieved from getLocation().

These two functions will be described for your agent to understand the purpose of the functions. Then we will set the system prompt for the agent with:

You are a helpful assistant. Only use the functions you have been provided with.

Getting Started


Clone git repo or use degit to get the source code.

git clone

Install dependencies

npm install

Creating Your Functions

In this step, we will create our 2 functions getLocation() and getWeatherData(latitude, longitude) then we will describe our functions for the agent to understand how to use the functions.

Go to your src/index.ts file, your initial file should look like the following.

import { Request, Response, route } from './httpSupport'
import { renderHtml } from './uiSupport'

import OpenAI from 'openai'

async function GET(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const secret = req.queries?.key ?? '';
    const openaiApiKey = req.secret?.openaiApiKey as string;
    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: openaiApiKey })
    const query = req.queries.chatQuery[0] as string;

    const completion = await{
        messages: [{ role: "system", content: `${query}` }],
        model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',

    return new Response(renderHtml(completion.choices[0].message.content as string))

async function POST(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const secret = req.queries?.key ?? '';
    const openaiApiKey = req.secret?.openaiApiKey as string;
    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: openaiApiKey })
    const query = req.queries.chatQuery[0] as string;

    const completion = await{
        messages: [{ role: "system", content: `${query}` }],
        model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',

    return new Response(renderHtml(completion.choices[0].message.content as string))

export default async function main(request: string) {
    return await route({ GET, POST }, request)

Create getLocation()

For the getLocation() function, we will need to call an API to get the location based on Traditionally, devs will not have access to the internet, but with Phala's AI Agent Contracts, devs now can make async HTTP calls to bring more data for fine tuning their agents.

The implementation is simple and we will add this following code.

async function getLocation() {
    const response = await fetch("");
    const locationData = await response.json();
    return locationData;

Create getWeatherData(latitude, longitude)

For the getWeatherData(latitude, longitude) function, we will call the free weather API by

We will add the following code to our index.ts file.

async function getCurrentWeather(latitude: any, longitude: any) {
    const url = `${latitude}&longitude=${longitude}&hourly=apparent_temperature`;
    const response = await fetch(url);
    const weatherData = await response.json();
    return weatherData;

Describe Functions

For our OpenAI agent to understand the purpose of these functions, we need to describe them using a specific schema. We'll create an array called tools that contains one object per function. Each object will have two keys: type, function, and the function key has three subkeys: name, description, and parameters.

const tools = [
        type: "function",
        function: {
            name: "getCurrentWeather",
            description: "Get the current weather in a given location",
            parameters: {
                type: "object",
                properties: {
                    latitude: {
                        type: "string",
                    longitude: {
                        type: "string",
                required: ["longitude", "latitude"],
        type: "function",
        function: {
            name: "getLocation",
            description: "Get the user's location based on their IP address",
            parameters: {
                type: "object",
                properties: {},

const availableTools = {

Add Agent Functionality

Setup Messages for Agent

We need to define a messages array. This will keep track of all of the messages back and forth between our app and OpenAI. Here we create a type MessageInfo that will be the fields that may be included in the messages array.

The first object in the array should always have the role property set to "system", which tells OpenAI that this is how we want it to behave.

type MessageInfo = {
    role: any,
    content: any,
    name?: any,

const messages: MessageInfo[] = [
        role: "system",
        content: `You are a helpful assistant. Only use the functions you have been provided with.`,

Create Agent Function For User Input

We are now ready to build the logic of our app, which lives in the agent function. It is asynchronous and takes one argument: the userInput.

We start by pushing the userInput to the messages array. This time, we set the role to "user", so that OpenAI knows that this is the input from the user.

async function agent(openai, userInput) {
    role: "user",
    content: userInput,
  const response = await{
    model: "gpt-4",
    messages: messages,
    tools: tools,

Next, we'll send a request to the Chat completions endpoint via the chat.completions.create() method in the Node SDK. This method takes a configuration object as an argument. In it, we'll specify three properties:

  • model - Decides which AI model we want to use (in our case, GPT-4).

  • messages - The entire history of messages between the user and the AI up until this point.

  • tools - A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only functions are supported as a tool., we'll we use the tools array we created earlier.

Turn OpenAI Agent Response into Functions

Now that we have the name of the function as a string, we'll need to translate that into a function call. To help us with that, we'll gather both of our functions in an object called availableTools:

const availableTools = {  getCurrentWeather,  getLocation,};

This is handy because we'll be able to access the getLocation function via bracket notation and the string we got back from OpenAI, like this: availableTools["getLocation"].

const { finish_reason, message } = response.choices[0]; 
if (finish_reason === "tool_calls" && message.tool_calls) {  
    const functionName = message.tool_calls[0];  
    const functionToCall = availableTools[functionName];  
    const functionArgs = JSON.parse(message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments);  
    const functionArgsArr = Object.values(functionArgs);  
    const functionResponse = await functionToCall.apply(null, functionArgsArr);  

We're also grabbing ahold of any arguments OpenAI wants us to pass into the function: message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments. However, we won't need any arguments for this first function call.

If we run the code again with the same input ("Where am I located right now?"), we'll see that functionResponse is an object filled with location about where the user is located right now. In my case, that is Oslo, Norway.

{ip: "", network: "", version: "IPv4", city: "Oslo", region: "Oslo County", region_code: "03", country: "NO", country_name: "Norway", country_code: "NO", country_code_iso3: "NOR", country_capital: "Oslo", country_tld: ".no", continent_code: "EU", in_eu: false, postal: "0026", latitude: 59.955, longitude: 10.859, timezone: "Europe/Oslo", utc_offset: "+0200", country_calling_code: "+47", currency: "NOK", currency_name: "Krone", languages: "no,nb,nn,se,fi", country_area: 324220, country_population: 5314336, asn: "AS2119", org: "Telenor Norge AS"}

We'll add this data to a new item in the messages array, where we also specify the name of the function we called.

  role: "function",
  name: functionName,
  content: `The result of the last function was this: ${JSON.stringify(

Notice that the role is set to "function". This tells OpenAI that the content parameter contains the result of the function call and not the input from the user.

At this point, we need to send a new request to OpenAI with this updated messages array. However, we don’t want to hard code a new function call, as our agent might need to go back and forth between itself and GPT several times until it has found the final answer for the user.

This can be solved in several different ways, e.g. recursion, a while-loop, or a for-loop. We'll use a good old for-loop for the sake of simplicity.

Creating The Loop

At the top of the agent function, we'll create a loop that lets us run the entire procedure up to five times.

If we get back finish_reason: "tool_calls" from GPT, we'll just push the result of the function call to the messages array and jump to the next iteration of the loop, triggering a new request.

If we get finish_reason: "stop" back, then GPT has found a suitable answer, so we'll return the function and cancel the loop.

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  const response = await{
    model: "gpt-4",
    messages: messages,
    tools: tools,
  const { finish_reason, message } = response.choices[0];
  if (finish_reason === "tool_calls" && message.tool_calls) {
    const functionName = message.tool_calls[0];
    const functionToCall = availableTools[functionName];
    const functionArgs = JSON.parse(message.tool_calls[0].function.arguments);
    const functionArgsArr = Object.values(functionArgs);
    const functionResponse = await functionToCall.apply(null, functionArgsArr);
      role: "function",
      name: functionName,
      content: `
          The result of the last function was this: ${JSON.stringify(
  } else if (finish_reason === "stop") {
    return message.content;
return "The maximum number of iterations has been met without a suitable answer. Please try again with a more specific input.";

If we don't see a finish_reason: "stop" within our five iterations, we'll return a message saying we couldn’t find a suitable answer.

Update GET() and POST()

Now we need to call our agent(openai, userInput) in our GET and POST calls that will pass in a users prompt that can be accessed in the chatQuery property. The code change is minimial and our functions look like the following.

async function GET(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const secret = req.queries?.key ?? '';
    const openaiApiKey = req.secret?.openaiApiKey as string;
    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: openaiApiKey })
    const query = req.queries.chatQuery[0] as string;

    const response = await agent(openai, query);

    return new Response(renderHtml(response as string))

async function POST(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const secret = req.queries?.key ?? '';
    const openaiApiKey = req.secret?.openaiApiKey as string;
    const openai = new OpenAI({ apiKey: openaiApiKey })
    const query = req.queries.chatQuery[0] as string;

    const response = await agent(openai, query);

    return new Response(renderHtml(response as string))

Test Locally

Now that we have the code implemented to interact with APIs and call the functions, let's test the code locally. You will need to setup your .env file with your OpenAI API Key.

Create .env file and add your OpenAI API Key

cp .env.local .env

In .env file replace YOUR_OPENAI_KEY with your API Key


Build your Agent

npm run build

Test your Agent locally

npm run test

Expected output:

> phat-gpt-template@0.0.1 test
> tsx src/test.ts

INPUT: {"method":"GET","path":"/ipfs/QmVHbLYhhYA5z6yKpQr4JWr3D54EhbSsh7e7BFAAyrkkMf","queries":{"chatQuery":["Please suggest some activities based on my location and the weather."]},"secret":{"openaiApiKey":"OPENAI_API_KEY"},"headers":{}}
  status: 200,
  body: '\n' +
    '    <!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
    '    <html lang="en">\n' +
    '        <head>\n' +
    '            <meta charset="utf-8" />\n' +
    '            <title>AI-Agent Contract Demo UI</title>\n' +
    '        </head>\n' +
    '        <body>\n' +
    '            <div align="center">\n' +
    '                <p>"OpenAI AI-Agent Contract hosted on <a href="">Phala Network</a>, a DePIN infrastructure for hosting AI-Agents."</p>\n' +
    '                <img src="" width="600" alt="AI-Agent Contract" />\n' +
    '                <p>Based on your location in Chicago, Illinois and the current weather of an apparent temperature around 25°C, I would recommend these activities:\n' +
    '\n' +
    '1. Visit the Navy Pier: Enjoy the beautiful view of Lake Michigan, take a ride on the Centennial Wheel or enjoy a nice meal at one of the restaurants.\n' +
    '\n' +
    "2. Spend time in Millennium Park: With the weather being nice, it's a perfect day for a picnic. Plus, you can see the famous Cloud Gate sculpture!\n" +
    '\n' +
    '3. Walk along the Chicago Riverwalk: This pedestrian trail along the bank of the Chicago River offers a variety of restaurants, bars, and urban attractions.  \n' +
    '\n' +
    '4. Explore the Art Institute of Chicago: If you prefer indoor activities, you might enjoy visiting this world-renowned art museum. \n' +
    '\n' +
    'Remember to stay hydrated and wear comfortable footwear for walking around. Enjoy your day!</p>\n' +
    '            </div>\n' +
    '        </body>\n' +
    '    </html>',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

INPUT: {"method":"POST","path":"/ipfs/QmVHbLYhhYA5z6yKpQr4JWr3D54EhbSsh7e7BFAAyrkkMf","queries":{"chatQuery":["What are some activities based in London today?"]},"secret":{"openaiApiKey":"OPENAI-KEY"},"headers":{},"body":"{\"untrustedData\":{\"fid\":2,\"url\":\"\",\"messageHash\":\"0xd2b1ddc6c88e865a33cb1a565e0058d757042974\",\"timestamp\":1706243218,\"network\":1,\"buttonIndex\":2,\"castId\":{\"fid\":226,\"hash\":\"0xa48dd46161d8e57725f5e26e34ec19c13ff7f3b9\"}},\"trustedData\":{\"messageBytes\":\"d2b1ddc6c88e865a33cb1a565e0058d757042974...\"}}"}
  status: 200,
  body: '\n' +
    '    <!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
    '    <html lang="en">\n' +
    '        <head>\n' +
    '            <meta charset="utf-8" />\n' +
    '            <title>AI Agent Contract Demo UI</title>\n' +
    '        </head>\n' +
    '        <body>\n' +
    '            <div align="center">\n' +
    '                <p>"OpenAI AI Agent Contract hosted on <a href="">Phala Network</a>, a DePIN infrastructure for hosting AI-Agents."</p>\n' +
    '                <img src="" width="600" alt="AI Agent Contract" />\n' +
    '                <p>Based on the current weather in London, which seems to be cool, here are some suggestions on activities you might consider:\n' +
    '\n' +
    "1. Visit the British Museum: One of the world's oldest museums, it houses a vast collection of world art and artefacts, and it's absolutely free to visit.\n" +
    '\n' +
    '2. Explore the Natural History Museum: Another indoor activity, this museum offers a range of varied and large-scale exhibitions. \n' +
    '\n' +
    '3. Explore Covent Garden: Discover a variety of unique shops, cafes, and event spaces.\n' +
    '\n' +
    "4. Take in a West End Show: The weather seems perfect for catching a performance at one of London's many theatres.\n" +
    '\n' +
    '5. Tour the Tate Modern: Home to an incredible collection of modern and contemporary art.\n' +
    '\n' +
    '6. Visit the Tower of London: Explore this historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames.\n' +
    '\n' +
    'Remember to check any local restrictions or entry requirements due to COVID-19, and stay safe. Enjoy exploring London!\n' +
    '</p>\n' +
    '            </div>\n' +
    '        </body>\n' +
    '    </html>',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'

To test in the SideVM playground go to

Connect you polkadot.js account and select 'run_js' with the parameters:
- engine: SidevmQuickJSWithPolyfill
- js_code: Source code text of dist/index.ts
- args: {"method":"GET","path":"/ipfs/QmVHbLYhhYA5z6yKpQr4JWr3D54EhbSsh7e7BFAAyrkkMf","queries":{"chatQuery":["Who are you?"],"openAiModel":["gpt-4o"]},"secret":{"openaiApiKey":"OPENAI_API_KEY"},"headers":{}}
Watch video here for to see the visual steps of testing in Sidevm playground:

Make sure to replace queries and secret with your values compatible with your AI Agent Contract.

Test in Sidevm Playground

Publish & Interact with Agent

With our test passing and everything working as expected, now we can build and publish our agent code to IPFS. Then we will set our secrets and access our deployed agent via the Phala Gateway at<cid>?key=<key_id>&chatQuery=<chat_query>.

Upload your compiled AI Agent code to IPFS.

npm run publish-agent

Upon a successful upload, the command should show the URL to access your AI Agent.

> phat-gpt-template@0.0.1 publish-agent
> phat-fn build --experimentalAsync && tsx scripts/publish.ts

✓ Compiled successfully.
  72.73 KB  dist/index.js

    $$\     $$\       $$\                 $$\                         $$\       
    $$ |    $$ |      \__|                $$ |                        $$ |      
  $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$\  $$\  $$$$$$\   $$$$$$$ |$$\  $$\  $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$\  
  \_$$  _|  $$  __$$\ $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  __$$\ 
    $$ |    $$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |  \__|$$ /  $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |  $$ |
    $$ |$$\ $$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |      $$ |  $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$   ____|$$ |  $$ |
    \$$$$  |$$ |  $$ |$$ |$$ |      \$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$\$$$$  |\$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |
     \____/ \__|  \__|\__|\__|       \_______| \_____\____/  \_______|\_______/ 

 💎 thirdweb v0.14.12 💎

- Uploading file to IPFS. This may take a while depending on file sizes.

✔ Successfully uploaded file to IPFS.
✔ Files stored at the following IPFS URI: ipfs://QmayeZxHXwJxABXaNshP6j8uBE6RedkhmEgiaXd1w1Jib3
✔ Open this link to view your upload:

AI Agent Contract deployed at:

Make sure to add your secrets to ensure your AI-Agent works properly.

Add Secret

The steps to add a secret is simple. We will add the OpenAI API Key in this example by creating a secret JSON object with the openaiApiKey:

{"openaiApiKey": "<OPENAI_API_KEY>"}

Then in your frame code, you will be able to access the secret key via req.secret object:

async function GET(req: Request): Promise<Response> {
    const apiKey = req.secret?.openaiApiKey

Note: Before continuing, make sure to publish your compiled AI Agent JS code, so you can add secrets to the CID.

Open terminal Use curl to POST your secrets to Replace IPFS_CID with the CID to the compile JS code in IPFS, and replace <OPENAI_API_KEY> with your OpenAI API key.

Note that you can name the secret field name something other than openaiApiKey, but you will need to access the key in your index.ts file with the syntax req.secret?.<your-secret-field-name> as string

The command will look like this:

curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"cid": "QmRZe6yKPpWWkTgkcuc71JT8cACnXHsiiS8CFhdWeHaa6d", "data": {"openaiApiKey": "<OPENAI_API_KEY>"}}'
# Output:
# {"token":"2f9991bfab0bcb46","key":"2cbc7c951b84b9b4","succeed":true}

The API returns a token and a key. The key is the id of your secret. It can be used to specify which secret you are going to pass to your frame. The token can be used by the developer to access the raw secret. You should never leak the token.

To verify the secret, run the following command where key and token are replaced with the values from adding your secret to the vault.


Expected output:


Access Queries

To help create custom logic, we have an array variable named queries that can be accessed in the Request class. To access the queries array variable chatQuery value at index 0, the syntax will look as follows:

const query = req.queries.chatQuery[0] as string;

The example at will have a value of Please suggest some activities based on my location and the weather. queries can have any field name, so chatQuery is just an example of a field name and not a mandatory name, but remember to update your index.ts file logic to use your expected field name.

Query Your Deployed Agent

Now that your agent is deployed, you can access the agent through a curl request or insert the url with the key and chatQuery defined. Here is an example of the code from the tutorial we just walked through.


Last updated
